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Available September  1

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Excerpt from

Defended by a Duke
(The Beresford Adventures Book 6)

Once they had the box to themselves, the duke turned to her, his eyes shimmering. “I have a strong desire to kiss you.”

It took her a moment to respond. Should she admit she felt the same? Should she be the proper young lady and forbid such conversation? Should she tell him she had no experience kissing? Finally, she shed her pride and all but admitted to her need. “We can’t here for all to see. We need a dark corner.”

A slow smile stretched across his agreeable face as his gaze moved to the rear corner of the box. “I believe we’ve got just the place here.”

She looked up into his glistening eyes and squeezed the hand that was still holding hers.

“Come, my love,” he murmured, getting to his feet.

Her heartbeat exploded. He’d called her my love. Lucy had been right!

Still clutching his hand, she followed him into the dark corner and flowed into his embrace. It was as if their two bodies blended into one. Nothing had ever felt so good. Or so right. She slowly lifted her head. It was too dark to see him, but feeling him was even better. His mouth closed over hers, gently at first, then hungrily. Her own hunger matched his. Her lips parted, and she sucked his tongue in a magical blending. No part of her was immune from the ecstasy he gave.

It suddenly occurred to her that she had no idea what constituted a correct kiss. Was she doing it right? All she had to judge it by was her lover’s reaction, and the duke seemed to be enjoying it as much as she.

He finally lifted his head and lovingly cradled her face. After dropping a kiss on her forehead, he said, “Oh, my dear Emily, I must commend the person who taught you to kiss.”

“That would be you, Your Grace,” she whispered.

“Ah, a natural learner.” He sighed.” I don’t want to, but we must return to our seats.”

She was still stunned over him addressing her as my love.

They returned to their seats, and once more he caressed her hand within both of his. “I should like to kiss you every day of my life,” he whispered.

Was he proposing marriage?




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